Maricopa is a community just south of Phoenix, AZ partially surrounded by raw desert and American Indian tribal land where wild horses still roam free and John Wayne worked his sprawling Red River Ranch and Cattle Company in bygone days. My husband photographed this horse sculpture near our subdivision’s entrance.
Hey! I think they are great!! love the shank buttons! cute idea!! I ended up working today as someone was out sick...So I don NOTHING crafty:-(
Lovely door-hangers!
Thanks so much for looking @ my little blog, Chelemom & Tina!!! Credit for these darling door hangers truly belongs to my friend & co-blogger (without whose encouragement I'd never have attempted this blog), Gwen @ www.mycraftydaysoff.blogspot.com. She's listed under my favs, so check out her awesome blog site!!!
Hi Marge!
My door-hanger is famous! It's on the World Wide Web! Thank you so much for the gift; it was a big surprise and I love it. "One of these days..." I would like to create cards and scrapbooks. I'm slowly collecting needed supplies. Hopefully we'll get to visit in person soon. (and maybe you'll share some tricks of the trade!) :o)
Have a great day!
Hi Sharon!
I can't wait to meet you; I think we'll really hit it off! I'm so glad you were surprised & that you like your door hanger; I made that one just for you! We'll have fun sharing ideas & I have lots of supplies I'll share! Thank you so much for looking around & for your comment. :<)
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