Marge's Memo 1
I've had a few questions regarding the "doily" I've been using on my cards recently. I discovered these on several others' blogs, so I take no credit for "finding" them in the first place, but I did want to post a quick photo to help those of you wishing to locate them. They are Martha Stewart tags available at Michaels' stores. Because I had a difficult time spotting them in the MS aisle (went to 3 stores before finding them) , I decided I'd do a Marge's Memo (a take-off on Becca Feeken's "Becca Bits", which is so clever!) to aid others finding them. I'm sure MS will thank me! There are 4 each of the 3 different tags in each pkg. for $3.99 and are called die-cut lace tags on the package back. Because they're hanging, they all fall together at the bottom of the cellophane wrap, making them more difficult to spot! Double click on the photo to see it better (sorry it's lousy, but we're in the midst of our first 2010 monsoon storm here)! These are very nice quality, I've Copic colored them & the one on the right in the photo fits perfectly with one of the Scalloped Circle Nestabilies' dies as shown in my 5/29 Memorial Day card! You can see them in 6/01, 6/14 and 7/07 posts also. Happy shopping, ladies -- hope this helps you spot these little gems!
Hey cool!!!! thanks for sharing!! :)
NONE of the Michael's I have been to have these tags and trust me - I have looked and asked and special ordered! I'm going to look one more time tomorrow and if I can't find them, I am going to BEG you to buy them for me and I'll send you the money! I HATE it when I see something on a blog and then I Have to have it and can't find it! You were SWEET to post this picture!
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