Sunday, January 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Chat ( so here goes:

7 Random Weird/Facts about me:

1. I love my morning coffee!!!
2. I like country music!
3. I like Diet Coke!
4. I love flowers/plants!
5. I wish I could afford to travel, but prefer to be home, so could not be away for long.
6. I believe I was wealthy in a previous life!
7. I like to sing, but wouldn't want anyone to hear me (nor would you want to)!


Gwen said...

You like country music???? me too! :-)

Kelly said...

Me three on the country music - you go, girls!

Kathy W said...

don't liking coffee and diet coke just go together?

Kim said...

I love country music too!!! Kim sbs8

Frances said...

LOL with you on points 5 and 7 and sort of on point 1, as being true brit, it's morning TEA all the way :)


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